Complements of the Cranbrook Chamber of Commerce

Transportation Information

Speed Limits:

The following are basic guidelines.

City Limits - the speed limit within an Urban setting is generally 50 km/h (30 m/h) unless otherwise posted. When travelling through a school zone the speed limit is 30 km/h (18 m/h).

Highways (outside City Limits) - speed limits on highways and secondary roads vary. If you are unsure of the speed limit on a particular road you should travel no faster than 90 km/h (54 m/h) until you see a Speed Limit Sign.

Motor Vehicles: Motor vehicle registration forms should be carried and if the vehicle is rented from a car rental company, a copy of the rental contract bearing an endorsement to the effect that the rented vehicle is permitted entry into Canada should also be carried.

Drivers' license, and international drivers' license, from the U.S. or from other countries, are valid in BC.

Drinking and Driving: In Canada it is a criminal offence to operate a motor vehicle while impaired by alcohol or a drug, or with more than 80 milligrams of alcohol in 100 milliliters of blood (.08%). It is also an offence for the operator of a motor vehicle to refuse to provide a breath or blood sample for testing when a demand is made by a law enforcement officer.

BC Buckles Up: The use of seat belts, child restraints, including leather straps, and motorcycle helmets is mandatory in BC.

Visitors should note an infant car seat is required for children weighing up to 9 kg (20 lbs.); and a child car seat is required for children weighing up to 18 kg (40 lbs.).

Metric Conversion:

Speed/Distance: Kilometers to Miles - Multiply the number of Kilometers by .6 Miles to Kilometers - Multiply the number of Miles by 1.6

Gasoline: Canadian Gallons to Litres - multiply the number of Canadian Imperial Gallons by 4.5 Litres to Canadian Gallons - multiply the number of Litres by .22 * The Canadian gallon is based on the Imperial Quart, which is one fifth larger than the U.S. quart. 5 Canadian gallons equals 6 U.S. gallons.


Celsius to Fahrenheit - multiply the number of Celsius by 9/5 and add 32 Fahrenheit to Celsius - subtract 32 from the number of Fahrenheit, then multiply by 5/9

General Information:

Canadian Currency Exchange: The money system in Canada is based on dollars and cents. Visitors are urged to exchange their funds to Canadian dollars at a bank, or a foreign currency exchange outlet where they will receive the prevailing rate of exchange and will avoid exchange problems.

Firearms: Revolvers, Pistols, Fully Automatic Firearms and Other Weapons are prohibited entry into Canada. All firearms including hunting rifles, shotguns, and personal protection devices (eg: stun guns, mace and pepper spray) must be declared.

Postal Requirements: Canadian postage stamps MUST be used on all mail posted in Canada.

Litter Laws: When travelling in BC, you should be aware of the Litter Act. A person who contravenes the Litter Act or the regulations and commits an offense is liable to conviction to the penalties set out in the Act. In other words, don't throw your garbage onto the road, put it in a garbage can.

Customs: For further information regarding customs regulations contact Revenue Canada, Customs and Excise at 1-800-461-9999 or (604) 666-6031.

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